
A day in the life of an architect

The Buildings in the Making research team worked with the sketch artist Lynne Chapman to capture what architects do all day when they are at work. Lynne’s in-situ sketches document April’s long day where she juggles many activities. These include: producing plans, overseeing multiple design projects, liaising with stakeholders (e.g. planners, highways, surveyors, marketing, developers, clients and architectural colleagues), travelling to and attending meetings, working through design options, checking emails, and managing the demands of child care.

A day in the life of a site manager

The Buildings in the Making research team worked with the sketch artist Lynne Chapman to observe a construction team at work on a building site. Lynne’s lively drawings are created in-situ and capture the fast and furious pace of the work of the site manager and his team. The drawings also show the dynamic and diverse nature of the site manager’s day to day work. It involves constant communication with colleagues and other parties on and off site, complex logistical challenges, gathering and assessing information, and interpreting and reviewing design plans.

Architectural design and construction for later life care: challenges and opportunities for designing with and for building users, June 2018, Kings Manor, University of York.
‘Buildings in the Making’: A Sociological Exploration of Architectural Design for Care, 18th September 2018, The Hospitium, Museum Gardens, York YO30 7DR.